

Children Sunday School

Leading the children to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and inspiring them to live faithful and honorable lives by the help of the Holy Spirit.

第一節 10:00 am-11:00 am

課程: 各種手工,唱歌,動作活動。

1. 課程取自聖經經文,然後向學生解釋說明。

2. 所有插圖要麼來自聖經本身,要麼基於學生正在學習的經文。

3. 我們的目標是帶領孩子們對我們的主耶穌基督有一個得救的知識,並激勵他 們在聖靈的感動下過上忠心和聖潔的生活。

1st Session 10:00am-11:00 am

Hands-on, singing, and dance activities.

1. The curriculum is taken from Bible scripture and then illustrated to students.

2. All illustrations are either from the Bible itself or are based on the scripture passage the students are studying.

第二節 11:15 am-12:15 pm

  1. 熱身時間 – 訓練兒童彼此間之言語溝通,分享小點心及學習餐桌上的禮儀。
  2. 聖經故事 – 以聖經故事講解其真實內容,讓兒童們認識上帝及祂的作為。以問答題來加深他們的理解能力。
  3. 手工勞作 – 讓兒童學習遵從指示、學習寫字、繪畫填色及剪接等各種技巧,加深對聖經故事的理解。

2nd Session 11: 15 am-12:15 pm

  1. Warm-up Time – Train children to communicate with each other, share snacks and learn etiquette at the dinner table.
  2. Bible Stories – Use Bible stories to explain their true content so that children know God and His works. Use questions and answers to gain insight into their comprehension.
  3. Manual work – Children learn to follow instructions, learn to write, draw and color, and edit based on the Bible stories and figures.
“As a teacher of these precious children, I am so deeply moved inside my heart as I look at this picture. I have been able to witness their growth spiritually and emotionally through the study of Galatians chapter 5. Their books represent over 2 months of using their creativity to describe the attributes of God’s Holy Spirit within each believers life. I love these wonderful children!“
Karen Jarvis
Children Sunday School Teacher