教會歷史 History
2022年展望 上帝的保守、祝福,繼續帶領我們 “以愛築夢,迎向應許! "
In 2022, Looking forward to God’s protection and blessing,
continue to lead us to “Build with Love, Claiming God’s Promise”

我們的教會在1978年2月由中文佈道所開始,並在1979年5月6日正式成立為路易華人浸信會(STLCBC) ,而游天度牧師是神所為我們呼召的第一位牧師,直至1995年退休。
在最初的數年間,我們借用在Creve Coeur的以馬內利浸信會的地下室作為主日崇拜, 但很不幸地以馬內利浸信會不久就宣佈遣散了並且決定捐贈他們的教會財產於浸禮會聖路易區聯會,而且他們需要把我們當時的聚會地點改為他們新的辦公室,所以我們被迫搬入舊以馬內利教會旁邊的小屋作為我們的主日崇拜地點。
在1991年5月,由於神的憐憫和慈悲,及眾弟兄姊妹的代禱和信心中,我們得以在Ashby路買了我們的第一個教堂。之後我們的教會以平穩的數字成長,於是 1996年,在弟兄姊妹與Ferguson第一浸信會的幫助下,我們在主堂旁邊赤手建築起我們的主日學教室,而四間新的主日學教室終於于1997年五月完成。在96年的12月,神也呼召了黃英杰牧師成為本教會的第二位全職牧師直至現今。
感謝讚美我們的神,自從我們的教會在加建後,會友持續平穩地增長,在2004年的秋天我們有共同的異象,看見華人社區在迅速地增長及蔓延至西區,我們再一次在信心上聆聽神和順服神的指引決定賣掉Ashby教堂和搬入西區,走上與以色列民類似的信心旅程。差不多有一年的時間,波雲教會滿有神的愛心,讓我們使用它們的地方舉行崇拜和上主日學。2005年,我們租用Westminster Christian Academy西區校園的二樓空間和數間課室,作為聚會之用,並且繼續恆切地祈求神帶領我們尋找一個長期敬拜神的地方。神真的是信實的,祂聽了我們的禱告,引領我們在St. Peters 找到會址,我們在2008年6月搬進這美麗的教堂聚會至今。
Our church began as a Chinese Bible mission in February 1978 and was formally incorporated as the St. Louis Chinese Baptist Church (STLCBC) on May 6, 1979. Pastor Joseph Yu was called upon to shepherd this new flock until he retired in 1995.
During the first few years of this new born church, we worshiped in the borrowed basement of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Creve Coeur. But unfortunately Emmanuel Baptist Church soon disbanded and decided to donate their church property to the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association and we were forced to move our worship services into the small parsonage next to the old Emmanuel church building as the Metro Baptist Association decided to convert the old church building into their new offices.
In May 1991, with God’s grace, lots of prayers and a great leap of faith on the part of our congregation we bought our first church building on Ashby Road, north of Page Ave. and just east of Lindbergh Blvd. With steady growth in numbers, we soon outgrew the original building. So in 1996, with the help of brothers and sisters from First Baptist Church of Ferguson and with our own brothers and sisters bare hands, we started the construction of our church building extension. In December of that same year, the Lord called upon Pastor Ying-Kit Wong to be our second full-time pastor. After enduring months of sweat and physical pain, the dedication of brothers and sisters came to fruition — the church building extension with 4 new Sunday school classrooms was finally dedicated in May of 1997.
Praise the Lord that our congregation have grown steadily since the Ashby building was extended and so in the fall of 2004 with a new vision of reaching out to the rapidly growing Chinese community in the sprawling west county area, we took another leap of faith — the congregation decided to sell the Ashby church building and move into the west county and thus embarking on a Journey of faith not unlike the Israelites. For about a year, Ballwin Baptist church, with God’s love, let us use their place to hold our worship services and Sunday school classes. In 2005, we worshiped in a rented space on the second floor of Westminster Christian Academy building in Town & Country, and at the same time, we continued to pray and search for a new permanent location to worship the Lord. God is indeed faithful. He answered our prayers and led us to find a church building at St. Peters. We have moved into this wonderful building since June 2008.